
Lifelong Growing in Relationship with God

Christian Formation is the lifelong process of growing in relationship with God, self, others, and all creation. In this process, we are transformed into the people God wants us to be. For people of all ages, our spiritual journey, enriched through our learning together, is at the center of all we say and do.  ECOTA offers a wide variety of options for formative learning and growth for people of all ages.

Sunday School & Nursery Care

Learning, Growing, Making Friends

ECOTA offers Sunday School for children aged 3-12 during our 10:00 am Worship Service each Sunday. Children begin the morning in their Sunday School classrooms, where they learn prayers, hear Bible stories, discuss the traditions and practices of the Episcopal church, play games related to Bible stories and themes, sing hymns and other songs, and create crafts related to their lessons. Classes are small, so each student has the opportunity to participate, ask questions, and share their ideas. The children rejoin their families in the Sanctuary for Communion as we greet each other in Christ’s Peace during the service. Our Sunday School students are also invited to participate in intergenerational activities, such as carol singing; to help with service projects, such as planting our Good News Garden; and to take part in special events, such as our annual Christmas Pageant. 

Infants and younger children are welcomed and cared for in our Nursery during the 10am Worship Service.

All of our teachers and assistant teachers have completed Safe Church training.

Adult Formation

Bible study, healing services, & fellowship

Adults at ECOTA join together in formation utilizing scripture, poetry, books, films, and other topics throughout the year. Our Brown Bag Bible Study meets 1:00-1:30 after the Wednesday 12:15 Healing Service. Parishioners and other community members come together into fellowship and conversation to build our spiritual lives and help us to grow in our faith. Series that allow adults to explore topics such as meditation, coping with grief, making end-of-life plans and decisions, and creating art projects in community. All are welcome to participate, suggest topics, or lead a session.